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GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound


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GE Voluson S10 Peripheral Options:
• Sony Digital UP-D711 Termal Printer
• Sony Fixture Kit for Digital UP-D711 Thermal Printer
• Sony Digital UP-D25 Color Thermal Printer
• Sony Digital UP-D897 BW Thermal Printer
• Mitsubishi P93W/E Thermal Printer
• Mitsubishi P95DW Thermal Printer
• USB Footswitch

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GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound Machine

The GE Voluson S10 is a high-end and full-featured ultrasound system designed for general radiography use and specialized for OB/GYN with particular features for realtime 3D/4D acquisition. The GE Voluson S10 is developed based on Voluson S series platform; however, it has migrated design and technologies from Voluson E series. Due to the new release, the GE Voluson S10 does not support various transducers like GE Voluson E6 or E8. In terms of features, the GE Voluson S10 has been integrated similar options, especially for 3D/4D applications and user inferface — 23″ LCD monitor, GE Voluson family looking control panel, and 10.1″ colorful touchscreen. The body design of Voluson S10 is similar to Voluson S series. Transducers are connected by a micro-connector like Voluson S series. The GE Voluson S10 is also designed to cover Fetal/OB, abdominal, pediatric, small organ, neonatal and adult cephalic, adult and pediatric cardiac, peripheral vascular, MSK, superficial, transrectral, and transvaginal.

GE Voluson S10 Dimensions and Weight:

• Width:
– 620mm (24.4 in)

• Depth:
– 865mm (34.1in)

• Height:
– Maximum: 1730 mm (68.1 in)
– Minimum: 1380mm (54.3in)

• Weight: 90 kg, 198 lbs

GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound Machine Specifications:
• Digital beamformer
• Displayed imaging depth: 0 – 36 cm (probe dependent)
• Minimum depth of field: 0 – 1 cm (probe dependent)
• Maximum depth of field: 0 – 36 cm (probe dependent)
• Continuous dynamic receive focus/continuous dynamic receive aperture
• Adjustable dynamic range up to 256 dB
GE Voluson S10 Electrical power:

• Nominal input voltage: 100-240 VAC, frequency 50/60 Hz
• Nominal 900VA including all optionsTypical power consumption with 500VA load approx. 1.75A at 230V/50Hz without peipherals
GE Voluson S10 Review:

GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound Machine has been built based on the Voluson S series H/W architecture, but Voluson E series’ technologies have been integrated into Voluson S10. The color scheme, control panel design, 3D/4D features, and its automated functions are similar to GE’s OB/GYN flagship series, Voluson E10, E8, and E6.The price point and feature sets of GE Voluson S10 are similar to Voluson E6, especially the price point. Although it is the early version of Voluson S10, reliablity of Voluson S10 should not be an issue because the platform, clinical application, technologies have been proven through Voluson E series and Voluson S series. Large 23″ LCD monitor and 10.1″ LCD touchscreen will improve a user’s comfort. Even a novice user can improve his or her scanning pattern through serveral automation tools such as SonRederlive, SonoVCAD heart, SonoBiometry, SonoNT, and SonoAVC. Once again, its price point is a matter.

GE Voluson S10 Probes/Transducers:
Convex Probe C1-5-RS [1.75-4.95Mhz]
Convex Probe 4C-RS [2-5.5MHz]
Micro Convex Probe 8C-RS [3.6-10.0Mhz]
Endo Micro Convex Probe IC9-RS [3.6-10.0Mhz]
Matrix Array Linear Probe ML6-15-RS [4.3-13.0Mhz]
Linear Probe 12L-RS [3.85-11.65Mhz]
Linear Probe 9L-RS [4.5-7.8Mhz]
Phased Array Sector Probe 3Sc-RS [1.45-4.2Mhz]
Phased Array Sector Probe 12S-RS [5-11Mhz]
Convex Volume Probe RAB6-RS [2-7Mhz]
Microconvex Volume Probe RIC5-9A-RS[4-9MHz]

GE Voluson S10 Features:
• High resolution 23″ wide LCD monitor
• High resolution 10.1″ wide LCD touch screen
• 4 active probe ports
• Integrated HDD (500GB)
• Integrated Integrated DVD +/- R(W) / CD-R(W) drive
• Integrated speakers
• Locking mechanism that provides rolling lock and caster swivel lock
• Integrated cable management
• Front and rear handles
• 4 Active Probe Ports
• HD-Flow™(HD-Flow™ Doppler Mode)
• TD (Tissue Doppler Mode)
• B-Flow
• Automatic Tissue Optimization
• Coded Harmonic Imaging
• Auto TGC
• Coded Excitation (CE)
• Advanced SRI (SRI II)
• CRI (Compound Resolution Imaging (Cross Beam))
• FFC (Focus & Frequency Composite)
• SonoBiometry
– Biparetal Diameter (BPD)
– Abdominal Circumference (AC)
– Head Circumference (HC)
– Humerus Length (HL)
– Femur Length (FL)

• High Resolution Zoom
• SonoNT
• SonoIT
• DICOM 3.0 Connectivity
• Scan Assistant
• Pan Zoom
• Steering
• Virtual Convex
• Max. Angle (Wide sector)
• Beta-View
• Real-time automatic Doppler calculations
• Patient information database
• Image Archive on hard drive
• 3D/4D data compression (lossy, lossless)

GE Voluson S10 Peripheral Options:
• Sony Digital UP-D711 Termal Printer
• Sony Fixture Kit for Digital UP-D711 Thermal Printer
• Sony Digital UP-D25 Color Thermal Printer
• Sony Digital UP-D897 BW Thermal Printer
• Mitsubishi P93W/E Thermal Printer
• Mitsubishi P95DW Thermal Printer
• USB Footswitch

GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound Machine Supplies:
• Aquasonic ultrasound gel
• Sono ultrasound wipes
• Console Protective Cover
• Sony UPP-110HG thermal printing paper
• Sony UPC-21L color thermal printing pack
• Mitsubishi KP95HG thermal roll paper (new)
• Mitsubishi KP65HM-CE High density thermal paper
• External USB printer connection

GE Voluson S10 ports:
• Ethernet, IEC802-2, IEC802-3(RJ45)
• VGA output
• Audio stereo output
• USB (3x) + 1x
• HDMI out
• RBG out
• Audio out L/R
• RS232

GE Voluson S10 image storage:
• Storage formats:
• Image data stored as:
– Raw data file (proprietary format)
– DICOM file (Single- or Multiframe)

• Volume data stored as:
– Raw data file (proprietary format)
– Size: typically: 0.8 – 5 MB (depending on probe and adjusted volume size)

• Export as:
– Bitmap files: BMP, TIFF, JPEG
– Raw files: RAW (2D), VOL (Volume data), 4DV (RAW, VOL incl. Patient data)
– Sequence of Bitmaps: BMP, MP4
– 3D Raw Data: conversion to Cartesian format possible

• Storage devices:
– Email
– USB memory stick
– CD-R(W)
– DVD+ R(W)
– Hard drive storage: 500 GB

GE Voluson S10 Options:
• 3D/4D Activation
• Advanced 3D/4D Package
• HDlive
• Advanced VCI-A
• SonoAVC
• SonoVCAD labor
• SonoL&D
• Inversion
• 4D Biopsy
• Contrast
• Elastography
• Anatomical M-Mode
• Recording Module SW-DVR
• Single View
• SonoVCAD heart

GE Voluson S10 Applications:
• OB
• Vascular
• Cardio
• Abdominal
• Small-Parts
• Transrectal
• Breast
• Pediatrics
• Cephalic

GE Voluson S10 Ultrasound Machine FAQs:

Auto Optimization is a one-touch image optimization function that a user to optimize the image based on the actual B-mode image or Pulse wave Doppler data. The function works based on preset levels (Low, Medium, and High) and allows user to pick a preference for the contrast enhancement in the resulting image. Low does the least amount of contrast enhancement, high does the most. Auto Optimization is available in single or multi image, on live, frozen or CINE images (in B-Mode only), while in zoom, and in Spectral Doppler. Auto Optimization in PW Doppler Mode optimizes the spectral data. Auto adjusts the Velocity Scale (live imaging only), baseline shift, dynamic range, and invert (if preset). Upon deactivation, the spectrum is still optimized.

CrossBeam (Spatial Compounding Imaging) obtains real time sonographic information from several different angles of insonation and combines them to produce a single image. CrossBeam helps reducing speckle artifacts, enhancing mass margin delineation, and improving anatomical details.

SRI (Speckle Reduction Imaging) reduces speckle noise in images affects edges and fine details which limit the contrast resolution and make diagnostic more difficult.

Raw Data is a software tool that enables image processing, quick data re-acquisition, and image analysis with same resolution and same frame rates of original images. Raw Data helps shorten exam duration, improves clinical work flow by post-processing, and reduces a time to put probe on a patient.

Auto IMT automates measurement of intima-media thickness of vessel. Auto IMT helps keep tracking atherosclerosis diseases from the early stage as it is developed.

Scan Assistant is the customable scanning assistant tool that enables a user to save scanning protocols of each lab that help decrease key stokes up to 60~70% of ordinary operation. With fewer user’s action, an exam can be complete because a user does not need to move all around console and requires only one button push at most of exam.

HDlive provides a movable virtual light source and calculates the propagation of light through skin and tissue. The user can freely position the light at any angle relative to the ultrasound volume to illuminate areas of interest. HDlive helps increase depth perception, reveal hidden details and can provide a deeper understanding of relational anatomy.

SonoBiometry – Performs a semi-automatic measurement of the head both head circumference and bi-parietal diameter), abdomen and femur. This tool can help enhance clinical workflow through helping reduce
Key strokes to perform biometry measurements.

SonoNT (Sonography-based Nuchal Translucency) and SonoIT (Sonography-based Intracranial Translucency) – Voluson technologies that help provide semi-automatic, standardized measurements of the nuchal and intracranial translucency as early as 11 weeks. Both tools can integrate easily into your workflow. SonoNT helps avoid the inter-and intra-observer variability that comes with manual measurements, and helps provide you with the reproducibility you demand.

SonoAVC*follicle (Sonography-based Automated Volume Count follicle) – Automatically calculates the number and volume of hypoechoic structures in a volume sweep, helping improve efficiency and workflow of follicular assessment. This feature helps to detect low echogenic objects (eg. follicles) in an organ (eg. ovary) and analyzes their shape and volume. From the calculated volume of the object an average diameter will be calculated. All objects detected that way will be listed according to size. The calculation results are displayed in the right monitor area. The objects are listed according to size. All different objects are color coded i.e. the color surrounding the number of the object also denotes the object on the image. If the mouse cursor hovers over a specific item on the list the respective object in the image is highlighted and vice versa. The color of the object is bound to its position on the list.

SonoVCADlabor – Helps you evaluate second-stage labor progression, and automatically documents the labor procedure with objective ultrasound data.
Advanced STIC (Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation) enables detailed three-dimensional images of the heart that can be viewed in motion. Clinicians can visualize an entire fetal heart cycle information that can help improve detection of heart defects with confidence

SonoVCAD*heart (Sonography-based Volume Computer Aided Display heart) – Helps standardize image orientation of the fetal heart by providing views automatically obtained from a single volume acquisition.

Advanced STIC (Spatio-Temporal Image Correlation) enables detailed three-dimensional images of the heart that can be viewed in motion. Clinicians can visualize an entire fetal heart cycle information that can help improve detection of heart defects with confidence

Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) is a “Visualization” mode for 3D and 4D data sets. The data is presented as slices through the data set, which are parallel to each other. An overview image, which is orthogonal to the parallel slices, shows the parts of the volume, which are displayed in the parallel planes. This method of visualization is consistent with the way other medical systems such as CT or MRI, present the data. The distance between the parallel planes can be adjusted to fit the requirements of the given data set. In addition it is possible to set the number of planes.

SonoVCAD*heart (Sonography-based Volume Computer Aided Display heart) – Helps standardize image orientation of the fetal heart by providing views automatically obtained from a single volume acquisition.

B-Flow utilizes gray scale imaging to visualize a blood flow with different gray intensities according to the reflectors speed and hemodynamics. B-Flow is less dependency on the user or scanning angle, but Color Doppler heavily dependent on scanning angle, and also provides higher frame rate and spatial resolution than Color Flow. B-Flow may help visualize vessel-wall irregularities, kidney perfusion, liver and spleen vasculature, and bladder reflux or jets.

Strain Elastography is a non-invasive diagnostic technique displaying the relative elasticity of tissue stiffness compared to surrounding tissue by a real-time color map, superimposed on conventional gray scale image. Most malignant lesions have a harder or stiffer consistency than surrounding benign tissue. This change in stiffness can also be present in chronic or inflammatory diseases. To displace the underlying anatomical structures, Strain Elastography requires manual palpation by the user, or compression or decompression of the target produced by the patient respiration. It can be an efficient tool to improve biopsy targeting, image and evaluate breast and testicular lesions, and perform a quick monitoring and follow up of interventional procedures. Additionally, it can provide additional information to increase diagnostic confidence for musculoskeletal diseases such as tendinopathies, tendinosis, synovial hypertrophy or tears.

Scan Assistant is the customable scanning assistant tool that enables a user to save scanning protocols of each lab that help decrease key stokes up to 60~70% of ordinary operation. With fewer user’s action, an exam can be complete because a user does not need to move all around console and requires only one button push at most of exam.

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